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  • e27
  • Content Marketing Institute

Why write with us?

Reach more to teach more

Turn your expert insights and unique ideas into compelling content that gets noticed!

As an information hub for marketers and businesses alike, Propelrr is constantly on the lookout for emerging trends, updates, or topics on digital marketing and technology.

We regularly publish digital marketing articles and promote guest posts to:

  • provide marketers with learning resources that help them marry innovation, strategy, execution, and a test-and-run mindset;
  • publish valuable industry-specific content for marketing professionals from different business fields, and;
  • enrich knowledge and upskill practice with insights from experts and thought leaders across the world.

Could you be our next contributor?

Find out if you are qualified to submit a guest post by reading our guidelines below.

Who’s going to read my guest post?

As a digital marketing agency in the Philippines, you’ll be writing for marketing professionals to C-level executives from various industries.

Expertise and knowledge may vary but our readers’ common ground is discovering better ways to do digital marketing through innovation, experimentation, and best practices.

What should I write about?

We like to feature fresh insights with detailed, valuable, and actionable takeaways around anything related to:

  • Digital Marketing
  • Content Marketing
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Pay-per-click
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Analytics
  • UX Design
  • Email Marketing
  • Mobile Development
  • Web Development

How do I qualify for a guest post?

We qualify contributors based on how fresh, unique, and relevant the content is in digital marketing today.

Check out these guidelines and see if you fit the bill:

  1. Make your topic unique. Your digital marketing article must be original or offers a fresh angle on a topic. If we haven’t talked about it yet on our website, then it must be something new!  But remember, plagiarism is a major red flag for us.
  2. Consider our brand. Read some of our articles to get a grasp of our brand’s tone and voice. We have a strong sense of culture that promotes authority within the industry. We speak clearly and honestly. No frills.
  3. Write engaging content. Write an expansive piece that runs over a minimum of 1,500 words to perform better on search. Length matters as long as it talks about the topic in an informative and more importantly engaging manner.
  4. Use relevant and timely research data. Fact-check your sources and make sure to cite them properly. Get the original and not the quoted source.
  5. Use credible and proper images. Make sure the images used are relevant to your piece. Don’t forget to cite your sources for this too.
  6. Opinion pieces are welcome to join. Just make sure that your piece is fact-based, of course. Always aim to back up claims and statements in your articles with solid data.

How can a guest post get disqualified?

Quality above all else. That’s our mantra when it comes to qualifying contributor articles.

Steer clear of the following so that your article won’t get disqualified:

  1. Self-promotional articles. We seek to provide helpful information to our readers, above all. Hence we will only accept value-adding thought pieces and articles. In terms of promotion, we will allow you to insert one (1) link to your website pages in the guest article, given that it is supplemental to the topic and non-promotional.
  2. Repeat articles. You can check out our website articles for topics that we’ve covered to eliminate duplicate content. But if you have a fresh angle or hot take on it, then you’re more than welcome to submit the article.
  3. No facts or credible sources. Every article we publish is fact-checked first by a meticulous QA team, and your guest post is no exemption to that rule. Opinion-based articles or editorials are okay as long as you ground them with the right data and sources.
  4. Articles with grammatical errors. Please proofread your article before submitting it. Articles that are hard to read or understand hurt your chances of getting published.

How can I submit my guest post?

Got an idea you want to share? Great! Let’s hear it.

Please send an email to with the following:

  • A Google Document copy of your completed guest post. Initial pitches are okay too if you want to consult our editors first before writing your article.
  • For images used, kindly include proper attribution and links from the websites that give free royalties photos in a separate folder. You can check our Image Guidelines, for additional information.
  • A 50-word write-up for your author’s bio, including your headshot (350x350 pixels), one anchor text link to your own website, or links to your social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc).

What to expect after submitting my guest post?

We’ll let you know via email the final date of publishing for your article should it pass our editorial standards and align with our content strategy.

The turnaround time for an article to be published is seven (7) business days, or depending on our editorial calendar.

For your guidance, here’s our editing and publishing process:

  • Our team of editors and content strategists will work closely with you to polish your articles before publishing them on the website. However, we expect your initial draft to be free of major grammatical errors. Thus, we will limit the revisions to one (1) round, involving story structure improvements.
  • The submitted article will be added to the queue of our Editorial Publishing Process. Our editors will have a run-through of the article, whereas we may decline submissions that are either not a good fit for the site, or in need of some improvement. We will likewise inform you once your article is approved and set for publishing.
  • We reserve the right to decline content for not meeting any of the above-mentioned guidelines.
  • We reserve the right to remove any links or content that we deem offensive, harmful, or overly promotional. Any infringement of our policies can result in the removal of the content at the editors' discretion.
  • The article should not be published on other sites once it has been published.

If you have any questions or if you would like to be a regular thought leader for Propelrr, you can reach out to our team at

Send us an email and we’ll be in touch with you about getting your article published on our site!