
Mobile app development services that serve the customer journey

Create a mobile app that is curated and optimized according to your customers’ needs. Our team of developers continuously tests out iterations of your app to make sure you’re providing the best user experience to your audience.

Discover our mobile development process:

  • requirements-gathering-icon

    Requirements Gathering

    Align your business goals and app objectives with our developers to start on the right path.

  • project-scoping-timeline-icon

    Project Scoping and Timeline

    Determine the scope and requirements for the project before plotting timelines to set our deadlines and expectations.

  • user-stories-creation-icon

    User Stories Creation

    Before developing the app, our team creates user stories based on your target personas to simulate a seamless experience.

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    Production Design

    We give you visibility on items that we might need based on your needs such as project structure and testing scripts.

  • development-phase-icon

    Development Phase

    Here, our developers start creating your mobile app while considering content, SEO, and UX design principles.

  • testing-phase-icon

    Testing Phase

    Validate your app’s usability through multiple tests including functionality, performance, and security tests.

  • user-acceptance-test-icon

    User Acceptance Test

    Obtain helpful feedback from target users and relevant experts themselves to improve your app.

  • deployment-maintenance-icon

    Deployment and Maintenance

    After deploying your app, we also provide code maintenance and security updates, performance monitoring reports, and more.

Choose mobile app development services that drive digital differently

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Got questions for us?

Let’s answer them all!

1. How long does it take to develop a mobile app?

The timeline for mobile app development can vary depending on the complexity of the app, the features included, and the platform it is being developed for. On average, a simple app can take anywhere from 3-6 months to develop, while more complex apps can take a year or longer.

2. What is the difference between native and hybrid mobile app development?

Native mobile app development involves building an app specifically for a particular platform, such as iOS or Android. Meanwhile, hybrid app development involves building a single app that can run on multiple platforms using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

3. Why should I choose Propelrr?

Whether you need native or cross-platform mobile app development, we have developers you can count on. Propelrr follows a fool-proof process that includes a series of quality assurance steps and testing to ensure that your app is optimized according to your users’ needs.

4. What should I expect in terms of ongoing maintenance and support for my mobile app?

We don’t just build the app–we maintain it as well! Our app maintenance includes code maintenance and security updates, performance monitoring reports, performance optimization, health check (crash/warning reports and analysis, and updates for new OS versions and SDK upgrades.