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Social Media Management & Marketing

How to Run Facebook Ads Effectively – Top 10 FAQs Answered

In this article, we answer ten of the most frequently asked questions about Facebook Marketing.

Meta being discussed by a man and woman

Facebook marketing has so far proven itself as a valuable channel for any social media marketing agency and brand. But if that’s the case, then why do these 10 Facebook marketing FAQs keep turning up in meetings with the executives you work with?

That’s because Facebook marketing is a vast and continually evolving practice; and has many correlative factors surrounding and affecting it.

And before you think we’re going meta (get it?) on you, what we simply mean is that it’s difficult to answer these questions in one set way. And rightly so, as you should always be eager to challenge the status quo when doing digital marketing. More so, if you’re a brand that would like to scale up your efforts on the platform. Learning how to run Facebook Ads can be tricky, but the potential rewards are worth the effort.

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To be able to run Facebook Ads that are effective, you need to make sure that your campaigns are well thought out and properly optimized. From audience targeting to creative design, there are a lot of strategies involved in successfully running Facebook Ads.

But if you’re a beginner or someone who has yet to explore the other many ways you can utilize the platform, to effectively run Facebook Ads, then we urge you to study our expert answers to these FAQs, below.

Top 10 Facebook marketing FAQs – answered

To be frank, we can’t count how many times these questions have been brought up during meetings and pitches. But each time, we’re eager to answer them, because let’s face it: digital marketing often comes with a lot of ambiguity.

We expect that some of you reading this also share these same questions; and we answer them accordingly, as guided by our years of experience in the field:

1. Does Facebook marketing still have value in your communication mix in and beyond 2022?


And if it’s the communication mix we’re talking about, we’d even say that Facebook marketing is one of the most preferred channels in a digital marketing framework. This is mainly due to its staggering usage statistics.

More users mean more people interacting with your client’s brand. And if it’s communicating online to capture new audiences and customers, then this platform is one you can’t do without.

2. Is investing in Facebook marketing worth it?

Short answer: Yes.

And to expound, it’s important to properly contextualize the question to your brand goals.

If you’re gauging your overall business performance based on social media metrics that Facebook best helps achieve, then yes, it could still be worth the investment. Some of these metrics would include, but are not limited to:

  • Reach;
  • Post Engagement Rate, or;
  • Interactions.

In some cases, and with more advanced techniques, you can even increase your conversions on Facebook.

FURTHER READING: Hack and Increase Your Facebook Conversions With These 6 Tips

Moreover, Facebook marketing pays off most when you ensure that yor campaigns are creative and clear-cut strategies in their campaign. Developing content shouldn’t always be expensive.

With the right strategies, you can really maximize the outcomes from your Facebook marketing efforts and prove your investment was well worth it.

A perfect example of this is Project Repat’s marketing technique that focuses on generating and creating user-generated content. Project Repat made use of less polished advertisements by allowing people to post their encounters with their services making their advertisement more relatable.

3. Is Facebook still the best social media to drive traffic to your website?

The answer depends if you’re using effective Facebook digital marketing techniques. Ill-conceived and uninspired Facebook Ads will usually be dismissed by users as just another advertisement to scroll by on their screens.

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Facebook marketing allows you to create content that engages your audience more personally. Developing this kind audience-targeting content helps you build a community of loyal customers that helps bolster your brand identity.

4. Can I really measure the performance of Facebook marketing?

Yes. Facebook even encourages you to study your page’s analytics to assist you to develop better approaches in your advertising.

The key here is learning how to ask the right questions and answering them with accurate data points in your analytics. Once you are able to identify these, you can then outline actionable items you can address.

5. Does Facebook marketing help increase website conversions?

A website conversion refers to the success rate of your audiences in accomplishing predetermined responses in your website. This refers to customers filling out a form, clicking a specific button, or sharing your content on social media.

Facebook does help you increase website conversions but you should also be wary of changes in different devices that could affect your website’s performance.

For example, changes brought by an iOS update in Apple smartphones could affect tracking pixels that measure crucial analytics for your ad such as page views.

FURTHER READING: What to Expect From the iOS 14 Security Update Ad Limitations

6. What is content fatigue and how does it affect my Facebook marketing efforts?

Content fatigue is exactly what the term suggests. It refers to the overwhelming feeling of your audiences in their overall usage of social media across different platforms. It happens when users are bombarded with information and advertisements that they do not have time to process.

Content fatigue spells trouble with your brand since they may already be exhausted from other contents even before they come across your Facebook ad.

A great way to address this is to develop more engaging and tailored content that tugs a more personal response to your audience. Mixing up the density of your content is a smart move. Users wouldn’t always have the time to read lengthy blogs even if they are well-written.

It’s also essential to time your content. When does your audience expect you to release another advertisement? When is the window of time that audiences immediately view your advertisement according to your analytics?

7. What are some general tips in improving my Facebook marketing and advertising?

Some general tips to improve your Facebook marketing have already been discussed such as monitoring your advertisement’s analytics and creating visually appealing images to avoid negative responses from your audience due to content fatigue.

Revenue-boosting social commerce tips for Facebook include developing interactive content schemes for your audience. For instance, you can ask them which of your products are your customer’s “bias.” The word bias here has developed its own niche in its usage across online communities so another great tip is learning the vernacular of your audience to create more personal connections with them.

Similarly, investing in video Facebook Ads could also drive your content. Collaborating with social media influencers that will feature your brand in their videos is a great way to widen the net of your ads.

Finally, keep in mind minute details such as which hashtags to use and how to create well-curated stories for a more impressionable page.

8. Is it better to put the CTA in the post caption or the ad material?

Effective CTAs or Call-to-Action leads your audience to successfully perform a particular response such as sign up for a newsletter or share your advertisement.

Knowing where to place your CTAs will help your content receive more responses.

A CTA placed after your content is an old-school technique that follows the AIDA framework. AIDA refers to:

  • Attention
  • Interest
  • Desire
  • Action

The purpose of this digital marketing strategy is to invite your audience to perform an action after perusing your content that they find suitable for them.

This technique immerses your audience with the services that you offer which compels them to act positively towards it. This means that they respond to your advertisement because they know what they’ll be getting. It doesn’t feel like click bait. However, not everyone has the time to peruse your content before actually doing something about it. That is why an alternative is to place the CTA in the AD material itself.

Placing the CTA in the ad material, specifically by the headline of your ad, is a great alternative for viewers who are simply browsing and just happened to stumble upon your page. An effective headline that strikes interest will encourage viewers to hit the share button or even invite them to visit your page.

However, you should also be wary of the disadvantages of this technique because your headline might not be strong enough to call their attention. Facebook users are less likely to sign up to something that they don’t know about.

So to answer the question, there is no best way to place the CTA. A good practice instead is to mix these two approaches together. Placing the CTA after the ad material helps provide people to get to know your brand first before responding to it. While loyal and existing customers who already know about you don’t need to go through lengthy steps just to fill out a form or click the shop now button.

9. What are your tips for increasing engagement in Facebook marketing?

There are tons of online resources and blogs about increasing Facebook engagement that you can read.

Revamping your website with the help of a web design checklist also optimizes your page’s interface by decluttering links and maximizing the use of search engine optimization.

Finally, one important aspect of Facebook social media marketing is understanding virality and knowing the essential steps for insight-driven viral marketing. In platforms such as Facebook where your content is bound to compete for viewer attention, viral marketing can help you stand out. Just be sure that you are standing out for the best reasons!

If you’re interested in learning more about a wide range of topics in digital marketing and social media marketing, then don’t hesitate to check out blogs that contain resources that will help you reach your goal.

10. Should I incorporate community management in my Facebook marketing strategy?

Yes you should! Incorporating Facebook community management can be a good business strategy so you can directly interact with your audiences, gathering important insights on their perception of your brand.

Facebook also announced a new certification for community management that will teach creators like you how to establish communities to be able to develop strategic content decisions to satisfy that particular community’s needs.

Key takeaways

Given how things quickly Facebook marketing and the overall digital marketing landscape changes, asking questions repeatedly is something to encourage, rather than shame.

In an evolving digital marketing landscape, those who remember these three key things are those that are likely to survive:

  • Challenge your best practices. These are the first things to change when shifts in the industry happen. While they are good to follow along, you will eventually need to question if these practices are suited to meet the changing tides.
  • Contextualize your answers. The world of digital marketing is multi-facted, and multi-factorial. Don’t limit yourself to just one way of answering things and be specific about what questions or problems you are trying to answer.
  • Ground yourself on data. Shifting winds, require the masterful navigation of data to maneuver around; make sure to always anchor your efforts onto it. Without it, you’ll lose direction not just in your Facebook, but ultimately, your overall marketing efforts.

Did this article cover some of the burning questions in your mind about Facebook marketing? Or do you still have any more questions you’d like us to answer? Leave a comment down below to let us know, or have a chat with us over on Facebook, X, or LinkedIn.

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