If there’s one thing we can do even with our eyes closed, it’s about managing your SEO.

Propelrr has been doing SEO in the Philippines since 2008. We’ve been handling corporate websites to e-commerce and delivering results that range from increased traffic and leads to increased revenue for the business. With our knowledge and expertise in the field, we’re considered as one of the most trusted and experienced SEO companies in the Philippines.

Our managed SEO service takes on your search channel to manage your brand and website properly and provide insights and implementations for better SEO success. No matter what your goals or business objectives are, we bring on our A-game to deliver and exceed the expected SEO results.

Benefits of Propelrr’s Managed SEO Services

Propelrr's fully-managed SEO service provides you with expertise, experience, and results that will move your website to the top of SERPs.

We’ll have all hands on deck with your SEO campaign while you concentrate on growing your business. With our managed SEO services, you get:

1. Experts who will manage your website’s SEO

Passing on a crucial touchpoint of your customer journey is not easy.

We’ll provide a full team of experts to handle your SEO requirements from top to bottom. Whether you need additional content or help on your website’s performance, we can provide you the resources and the expertise to get the job done. We’ll also have project managers to guide you through our SEO roadmap to make sure items are done, and results are delivered.

2. Save money on SEO tools

When talking about SEO, Google Analytics, and Search Console Data are powerful tools in our arsenal. But a little help from others won't hurt.

With our fully-managed SEO service, you need not worry about the extra tools for your campaign. Our SEO experts are equipped with the right tools and knowledge to wield the power of data that these tools provide. Using our plethora of industry-leading SEO tools and our proprietary software can save you tons of money, amounting to a minimum of $1,500 per month.

3. Tailor-fit SEO solutions designed for your business

Each website is different in its own way. There’s never ever a similar diagnosis with SEO.

Our SEO team reviews, analyzes, and audits your website and performance to have a full view of the situation. Once we‘ve seen what we’re dealing with, we diagnose and get straight to solutions that need to be implemented asap.

4. Full transparency and timely reports

At Propelrr, we tell it like it is. No holds barred.

We provide a full report of your website performance for the past months. We pull your website analytics and see which of our efforts took the most effect and impact on your performance.

We report on your monthly traffic, position on SERP, what pages are top-performing, and how well your website is doing overall. But we don’t just give you the numbers to see. We accompany our reports with actionable and right-on-target recommendations.

We come fully prepared with our insights backed up by data. Just give us a nod and we’ll get right into work implementing our recommendations.

Managed SEO Services Inclusions:

1. Keyword Research and Mapping

Keywords are an essential part of SEO.

Our team collects and filters all keywords and queries that your business can use in website and metadata copies or new content that can assist your business to rank in relevant search terms for your business. After determining your keywords, we assign them to different existing or non-existing pages on your website to see the pages’ relevancy based on a user's search.

2. In-Depth Technical SEO Audit

We audit your URLs, page titles, metadata, outbound, inbound links, content, structured data, interlinking, and backlink profile. We also review your site’s architecture, indexing, and crawlability to survey and diagnose your current website’s performance.

After we do a full-scale analysis, we can now pinpoint what strategies we can use and what implementations should be prioritized to get the needle moving for your website’s SEO.

3. SEO Audit Implementation

When we audit a website or your digital web assets, we make sure that you are set to implement every nut and bolt of our audit. We have heavyweight technical SEOs and developers who'll make sure that the audit implementation is right. If you have a set of compliance rules that would only allow your team to work on our audit, we are more than happy to walk them through with our recommendations. We'll speak their language, and we'll make sure that high-impact and low-level difficulties will be prioritized.

4. On-page Optimization

For on-page optimization, our SEOs optimize everything that involves your website. By everything, we mean on-page features that include:

  • A Clean Structured Data and Schema Markup
  • Clear and Descriptive URLs
  • Proper Metadata Copies and Implementation
  • Proper Placement of Header Tags
  • Correct Keyword Usage and Placements
  • Good User Experience (UX)
  • Proper Internal Linking Structure
  • Correct Use of External or Outbound Links
  • Use of Image and Video Optimizations
  • Provides Strong Calls to Action

All of these need to be properly optimized for search engines to correctly understand your website and its content, as well as identify whether it is relevant to a searcher's query.

5. Monthly SEO Audit

Month on month, we run an audit to provide you with information to give you a better understanding of your website performance. Our SEO report includes the following:

  • Indexing and Crawlability - To find duplicate content, unnecessary pages, and website crawl errors (404, 403, 500) on your website and take necessary actions
  • Backlink Audit - To monitor backlinks and avoid link penalties from Google
  • Structured Data Audit - To ensure all your pages have proper schema implemented
  • Content Audit - To monitor if content produced is relevant to both customer needs, user intent, and business goals
  • Mobile Audit - To test if your website works and performs well on mobile
  • Interlinking Audit - To create a better interlinking and information structure for your website
  • Website Analytics Audit - To check if Google Analytics was properly set up throughout your website
  • Local SEO Audit - To fully set up your business locally before aiming for a larger or global audience

6. Content Marketing for SEO

Content and SEO always work hand-in-hand.

Our managed SEO service comes with a team of content marketing specialists that can aid and support our SEO efforts for your website. We can provide you with the following content marketing services to increase your ranking and help you dominate the SERP.

i. 10X Content

With search becoming a competitive industry and platform, you need content that can outperform your competitors with minimal to no effort required.

It's not called 10X for the amount of effort you give. It’s 10X because it gives your business 10 times the result you can get from a regular blog post.

If you want to cut through the competition easily, let us help provide you with content ideas that are larger than life.

ii. Topical or Cluster Content

SEO is giving importance to topic and content clustering. This is where a “pillar” page acts as the main hub of content for a broad topic that branches out into smaller topics or pages. The key lies in the interlinking of these pages as this signals search engines that the pillar page is an authoritative source on the topic, making it rank higher on SERP.

With our SEO and Content specialists, we can turn your impossible-to-rank page into your biggest asset on search with a broad keyword.

iii. Blog Posts

With a team of writers and editors, we can provide quality articles that pass both SEO standards and yours. Our content team can help populate your website with relevant content that can make your website an authority source for your industry.

We pride ourselves as an ethical SEO agency in Manila, Philippines. We use the following link building practices to acquire relevant, trustworthy, and authoritative backlinks to improve your website’s ranking and authority:

i. Content Outreach or Guest Blogging

We contact your industry’s best-known publications and websites and pitch them article ideas that promote your business and content. It’s a win-win situation for all of us publications to get great content for their users, and we get an organic backlink leading back to your website.

ii. Broken Link Building

Broken links on a website can cause bad ranking and user experience. We dig through authority publications and websites to find backlinks and see if there are opportunities for us to provide them with better content they can link back to.

iii. Local Listing

By providing multiple websites your business name, address, and phone number (NAP), search engines can easily display your business and website on local search results for your nearby searchers.

There’s no need for black hat practices. We’re all for clean and ethical SEO practices that prioritize your user experience rather than vanity metrics.

“We won’t fool you into getting links from your website via dodgy schemes with those footer links on your website or masquerading like we wanted to help you pro-bono but planting our links to your pages.”

We simply build links, ethically.

8. Detailed and Prompt SEO Reports

We know reports are vital to your business.

That is why we provide detailed reports that let you and your businesses’ management team or stakeholders know how your SEO campaigns are performing.

We provide reports on your website traffic, engagement, position on ranking, and overall improvements month-by-month. Accompanying our results is a list of actionable recommendations we should do for better results. Just give the nod, and we'll get right to implementation.

Why do you need SEO month on month?

Once you do SEO, you can’t go back. Not if you want continuous results.

We have clients that have been working with us for several years. Some we’ve even worked and managed their website SEO since Day 1. Here’s why you need to continuously optimize your website:

1. SEO is a long-term solution

Run a month-long SEO campaign, and you haven't started your engine yet. Run it for three months, and you've only hit the tip of the iceberg.

Unlike other digital marketing campaigns, SEO can take months to start working and even years to achieve optimal results. Gone are the days when you could pick a couple of keywords, use them throughout your website, and voila! You’ve topped the SERP within three months.

Now SEO has multiple complex levers that need to be optimized for it to work towards the desired goal. SEO may take a lot of time, work, and even patience, but it’s a long term solution you need for your business.

2. SEO needs to be adaptive to algorithm changes

Search engines want their users to have the best search experience with frequent algorithm updates and changes.

With our fully-managed SEO service, you don’t need to worry about Google's updates. Our team is always on top of the news when it comes to algorithm changes.

We won't let simple updates get in the way of your business. Let us handle and make calibrations on your website when needed.

3. Your competitors are not sitting idle

Starting an SEO campaign for your businesses isn’t news. If you’re doing SEO, most likely, your competitors are doing the same thing.

The only difference you have with your competitors is that you've signed up a fully-managed SEO program with a trusted SEO company. We're keeping an eye on your search performance as well as your competitors' to see what strategies they're up to and, of course, top that.

4. SEO is a crucial part of your customer journey

If you think your audience is not on search—think thrice.

According to Google, 31% of customer touchpoints begin with research on a search engine. Moreover, 82% of people consult their phones while deciding which product to buy. You can’t deny it, Search is now an integral part of a human’s information and buying process.

With a managed SEO service, those touchpoints on search will be optimized to ensure that your customers choose your business against all the other choices on SERP. You’ll get the click, the traffic, the engagement, and the revenue for your business. A total winning situation!

Choosing The Best Managed SEO Service Provider

Before you onboard an SEO service provider, you have to make sure they have the knowledge, experience, and culture to fit in with your business.

Your SEO team is not just a secondary member of the team; they’re part of your overall marketing strategy to reach your business objectives. That is why your SEO Agency should be:

1. Clear and transparent on your SEO performance

You and your SEO agency are on the same team. They must be able to provide a full and clear glimpse of your search performance no matter what the results may be.

If they delivered the expected results, then that's a pat on the back. But if any results were lacking, your SEO team should be honest and admit if something was lacking. But it shouldn't stop there. They should be able to provide a detailed report of the situation, recommended solutions, and a timeline for the steps and improvements needed to be done.

There’s no point in hiding the truth—the data and result will speak for itself.

2. Results-driven in terms of SEO

What’s a strategy with no results?

Let's say you want more search visibility; your SEO company should be focusing on relevant and priority keywords and search terms. Same as for other business objectives, your SEO team should have a metric to prioritize in order to provide and deliver results.

Doing implementations here and there won’t get you anywhere. Keeping your eyes on the prize and optimizing results will give your business better chances of achieving your goal.

3. Well-recognized as SEO experts

Whoever you will choose as your managed SEO company should be tenured with a proven track record in SEO.

You don't want a fly-by-night agency to handle a vital part of your customer journey. Scour through their case studies and ask them questions about their work. When you board them as your SEO team, they should add value and give an edge to your business strategy.

Don’t settle for less. Remember, your business is on the line.

4. Detailed on their SEO process and execution

If you take just a few tweaks to make SEO work, then you only want the promise of SEO results, not the process.

There are no shortcuts to win in SEO. It takes patience, strategy, and a well-thought-out and executed process to bring you traffic, leads, clients, revenue, and growth. Value an agency that is tedious in their process, they’re the ones who know what they’re dealing with.

5. Fit with your working environment

Hiring a managed SEO agency should make you feel they’re only one message away from you and your concerns.

They should be able to fit into your working environment and lifestyle as they are an extension of your marketing arm. Although you’re not visible with each other every day, they should be able to communicate with you regularly and submit reports or requirements that are within your working schedule. More than that, your managed SEO agency should value and care for your business the way you do.

Propelrr, a trusted SEO company in the Philippines, has a decade-worth of SEO experience under its belt. Everything we know and learned through the years has been put into practice on our Managed SEO services.

Our Managed SEO Rates start at $1,500 per month. Get in touch with us!

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