What is Social Media Strategy?

Failing to plan is planning to fail. When you don’t have a social media strategy for your brand, you’re doomed. Enlisting the help of a social media management service provider can help you define your actions and measure the success you’ve had.

Why do you need a social media strategy? It’s a way to know your businesses’ health in your consumers’ eyes. Based on our digital marketing framework, we plot out our objectives to support our executions and delights the customers’ experience. It’s a win-win strategy for both.

The benefits of having a social media strategy are:

  • Creates a cohesive business profile imagery across different channels.
  • Measures your marketing efforts and keep your competitors at bay.
  • Engages a community through active social media content strategy planning.
  • Gathers data from a network of followers and audiences.

1. Benchmarking

We start with the benchmarking process. Our social media team will review the brand’s KPIs, metrics, and targets to see the businesses’ current performance and the gap that needs to be addressed. Our team will assist you in collecting essential data to adjust the goals and targets that are suited for your company.

2. Market Research

To get a more in-depth look about the industry, market research is a great way to see the position of the brand. You can start by gathering a portion of your target market to find out the views and opinions about your brand. We can help you assess your market’s standing and check out the advantage you have in your industry.

3. Competitor Analysis

On forming strategies, you must check not only your own health but also your competitors. With the Internet, it’s straightforward to check out the strengths and weaknesses your brand rivals have. You can see the loopholes in their executions, problems in their services, and create a strategy to exploit these opportunities.

This can start as easy as categorizing your competitors, market positioning, analyzing competitor’s website to peeking into their customer’s experience. There are a lot of social media tools out there to know where you and your rivals stand.

4. Strategy Building

With all the data gathered, this is where strategy creation comes in. A social media marketing agency can help you define the best strategy that can work for your brand. The efforts must not stop there as competitors start to strike with campaigns; you must be able to retaliate and recalibrate the plans for your business growth.

Strategizing doesn’t end there. It includes channel identification, types of content to produce, the frequency of content posting, and other features that can be maximized for the campaign that are aligned with the business objectives.

5. Social Listening 

Our process includes social listening. This is a way where we can see the trends and updates of the digital world. Data and insights gathered from social listening will be turned into forming strategies. Our team has the skills to listen and incorporate these updates to thrust you up. We can help you find the best opportunities for your brand.

6. Channel Identification

Whether B2B or B2C, channel identification is important to do. There are various channels that you can set your brand up. Our team can help you decide on the best options for your product, may it be entering a few channels or to go all out (omnichannel).

7. Types of content

Not only should channels matter, but also the types of content you need to produce. In our 10-year reign, we have the expertise to aid you in producing and promoting each and every type of content your brand should have.

8. Frequency of posts

Relationships need nurturing, and so should your brand. The frequency of posting must be aligned with how your customers engage in the digital landscape. Propelrr can help you nurture your customers by giving them a daily reminder or more to let your customers know you’re here.

Why choose us?

Our team of digital marketing experts can help you create a solid social media plan. Your business must not trust in hope but invest in real strategies that can help the brand drive growth. We solidify our strategy by only investing in data-driven solutions that perform well. We don’t just follow a trend; we make sure that the strategy will work as expected.

As a veteran social media marketing agency in the Philippines, we can help you define what works well or not for your brand. Our group of collaborative social media marketing specialists and managers will aid you in creating the best strategy to improve your brand. Don’t believe us? Our clients all over the world can prove that we’re worth putting your business in. 

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